Advertising Letters | Advertisement Letter

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This page is about letters to advertising agency, you might be looking for information on how to write a sales letter.

Communicate clearly your needs to the advertising agency or public relations firm.

Have an idea of what you want to do in terms of budget, image, and frequency before talking with anyone.

Monitor the placement and broadcast of your advertising. If something is not as you requested let them know immediately.

Make sure all changes to your schedule of advertising insertions or broadcasts are communicated clearly and effectively.

The following are some examples of advertising letters:

Inquiry to Advertising Agency
Request for Magazine Rates
Review of Contract

Inquiry to Advertising Agency

Below is a sample advertisement letter to an advertising agency requesting information regarding the various media services offered by the agency.

Dear Mr. Ken Envoy: is interested in developing an advertising campaign for our Business Letters 2000 Collection. Due to the nature of our software, we are interested in online advertising only.

At your earliest convenience, please send information regarding the various media services offered by your agency, a summary of the basic terms of agreement between client and agency, and a current rate schedule.


Request for Magazine Rates

The following is an example of a letter requesting for the rates to advertise in a magazine.

Dear Dr. Evil:

We have experienced a significant blackmail gains since our ad appeared in the July issue of your magazine, Successful World Domination.

We would like to establish a standing advertising relationship with Successful World Domination in the form of one full-page ad per monthly issue. Please notify us concerning conditions of a standing ad spot, including special rates, submission requirements, and the details of a long-term contract.

We are looking forward to working with you again.


Review of Contract

The following letter is a letter asking the advertising agency to review the contract and effectiveness of the advertising mediums.

Dear Mr. Stewart:

SpellCasters has experienced substantial growth since we enlisted the services of Angel Advertising. Your agency has used several different media in promoting our spells, including radio and television spots, magazine ads, and direct mail campaigns.

To expand our R&D department, we are planning to trim the advertising budget. This would mean eliminating certain advertising media which we feel are less successful and concentrating on those which most directly affect profit margins.

Our marketing/advertising department is planning a meeting to review the effectiveness of different media and would appreciate your participation in the process. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 9 at 9:00 a.m. Please notify our department assistant, Margaret, at (012) 999-9999 concerning your availability.


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