Example of Business Letter

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The following example of business letter is in the memorandum format. The purpose of this example letter is to inform and enforce the company dress code.

TO: All Employees

FROM: The HR Director


SUBJECT: Employee Dress Code

This is a reminder to all employees with regard to our dress code policies.

As our firm handles so many client appointments in our office area, it is important that we maintain a professional appearance. ACME Network considers the following to be appropriate work attire:

  • For men: Three-piece suit or dress pants with tie and jacket. Dress pants with suspenders and tie are also acceptable. No short sleeve dress shirts please.
  • For women: Business/formal dresses, skirt and jacket combinations, dress pants with either shirt and jacket or shirt and cardigan combinations. Appropriate jewellery (i.e. nothing overly large or for shock effect). No mini skirts please.

On Fridays, this dress code is relaxed due to the fact that we schedule no appointments at that time. However, we do ask that you refrain from wearing jeans with holes or rips in them, t-shirts with sayings or graphics on them, and shorts or mini skirts.

Thank you for your compliance with this dress code. Please contact Stephanie in Personnel if you have any further questions concerning what is appropriate.

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