Sample Interview Thank You Letter

The following are two examples of interview thank you letters.

The first letter is an interview thank you letter that was written one day after the interview.

In the second letter, the writer provides additional information to the interviewer on a topic discussed during the interview.

Both letters will make you unique and more likely to be offered the position than other candidates who did not do this.

Interview thank you letter example 1

Dear Ms. Liddell,

Thanks for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss sales opportunities with ACME.Com. I’m excited about the possibility of your company starting up a sales office in Wonderland and I look forward to being your first sales person from Wonderland.

Enclosed is the information on the sales training program we discussed. The Queen of Hearts training department sends most of the sales force through this program. I found the techniques well worth learning. Overall, we saw a lift in our closing rates.


Interview thank you letter example 2

The following sample interview thank you letter was written right after the interview. This letter contains additional helpful information on a topic discussed in the interview. This type of information can help you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Dear Miss Collins,

Again I want to thank you for the time you spent with me today discussing the System Analyst position. As we discussed, I understand that you will be looking for cheaper HR software alternatives. I have three contacts that may be of interest to you.

They are:
  • ACME Systems (Contact information)
  • HRIS Systems (Contact information)
  • Human Systems (Contact information)
As you pointed out, one of your requirements was that they must have manufacturing experiences. I believe all 3 have large manufacturing clients.

You were very generous with your time and insights into ACME Digital and for that I thank you.

As pointed out in the interview, you are looking to fill the position ASAP; I will call you on November 15th to follow up. If you have any additional questions, please reach me at my mobile at (088) 888 1234.

Thank you.


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